Health & Wellness
Our Goal: Transform Southwest Florida to be among the healthiest communities in the nation by exceeding the 90th percentile for Health Indicators (Length of Life and Quality of Life) by 2040.

Impact Dashboard
Years of Life Lost due to Premature Death
This percentile indicates where our region ranks nationally in terms of years of potential life lost before the age of 75. In some cases, premature deaths are simply tragic, unavoidable accidents. But in other cases, they are caused by things such as treatable diseases, cancer, and preventable accidents. The "Premature Deaths” metric gives us insight into areas we need to improve in our region from nutrition, healthcare delivery and disease research to public safety, suicide rate and transportation.
We need to this number by
When we started our work, we were at the 71st percentile
Live Births with Low Birthweight
This percentile indicates where our region ranks nationally in terms of babies born in our region with a birthweight less than 5 pounds, 8 ounces, also known as being born premature. Some premature babies are born to perfectly healthy mothers. But it is also a complex public-health problem that can be caused by long-term maternal malnutrition, ill health, hard work, poor health care during pregnancy and much more. Ultimately, the "Live Births with Low Birthweight” percentile gives us a glimpse into maternal health, nutrition, healthcare delivery and poverty in our region.
We need to this number by
When we started our work, we were at the 51st percentile
Poor Mental Health Days
This tracks the average number of mentally unhealthy days reported by individuals in the past 30 days. This percentile indicates where our region ranks nationally. Poor mental health can be caused by depression, anxiety, stress and much more. And these conditions can, in turn, result from a broad range of things, from people with disabilities and people living with chronic conditions, to childhood abuse, social disadvantages and discrimination. Ultimately, regions with more unhealthy days are likely to have higher unemployment, poverty, percentage of adults who did not complete high school, mortality rates, and higher rates of disability.
We need to this number by
When we started our work, we were at the 53rd percentile
Poor or Fair Health
This percentile indicates where our region ranks nationally in terms of adults in our region who rate their health as poor or fair. It is an indicator of the level of disability or chronic disease in our region. It can also indicate unhealthy lifestyle habits. Beyond the obvious, poor health can also contribute to reduced income and a vicious cycle called the health-poverty trap—a self-reinforcing cycle of poverty. There are countless other chain reactions caused by “Poor or Fair Health” affecting a very broad range of quality-of-life factors in our region.
We need to this number by
When we started our work, we were at the 16th percentile
Poor Physical Health Days
This tracks the average number of physically unhealthy days reported by individuals in the past 30 days. This percentile indicates where our region ranks nationally. People with chronic physical illness often have difficulties maintaining a job, and as a result, have a hard time affording care. So "Poor Physical Health Days” can lead to financial burden and, for example, lead to a decrease in how much someone can afford to purchase healthy food, housing, and transportation.
We need to this number by
When we started our work, we were at the 11th percentile